Glazed Elegance
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About Us

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Compassion, Dedication, Understanding

My name is Sabrina Hamilton, and I was born and raised on a farm North of Regina. Growing up on a farm in rural Saskatchewan is where I fell in love with ALL animals, big and small. I was in 4-H from the age of 6-21 and livestock is still key in our family. As a kid, we always had pets of some kind. Whether it was dogs, cats, raccoons, rabbits, horses and so on. I understand the impact that the loss of a pet has on us very well.

In 2009, my family started a pet crematorium, then we later purchased a ceramic kiln, and I began making our own pet urns. It was during this time that I realized just how important a service like this was needed. Our pets are a part of the family and they deserve the same respect and dignity as any human family member. In 2020, we sold the crematorium, and I bought the ceramic equipment and started Glazed Elegance. I do specialize in pet urns, however; I started making human urns, customized plates and vases as well. Every pet urn has a hand painted little red heart on the lid and every human urn has one on the bottom, so you know that your loved ones, 2 and 4 legged, were handled with care and compassion.